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Are you looking for Wheel Alignment in Bonnybridge, Falkirk?

Are you having problems controlling your car or noticing uneven tyre wear?

It's possible that wheel geometry or alignment is causing your problems. Our highly qualified experts are available to help you with a thorough wheel alignment Bonnybridge, Falkirk! For a more comfortable and safer ride, make sure that your car’s wheels are set in proper angles.

When Should You Opt For A Wheel Alignment?

Proper wheel alignment improves handling, fuel consumption and braking distance. You should have a wheel alignment check every 10,000 miles and after any suspension, steering, wheel service or tyre replacement .

Several factors such as driving over a pothole or hitting a curb can affect the wheel alignment. Therefore, if you notice any of the following warning signs, you should opt for a wheel alignment Falkirk right away:

  • Your car tyres wear out faster and rather unevenly
  • When you drive, your car pulls to one side
  • When you drive in a straight road, your steering wheel stays at an angle
  • The steering does not return to its centre position after a turn

About Our Wheel Alignment Service Bonnybridge

When you come to us for a wheel alignment service, we make sure to check all the three wheel angles, namely the camber, caster and toe. The comprehensive assessment of these angles helps us identify the actual area of misalignment.

Our mechanics will follow the industry-best procedure to conduct this service. It comprises of the following steps:

Step 1: With the help of our cutting-edge computerised wheel aligner, our mechanics will get the readings of all the angles.

Step 2: They will then analyse these readings and find out the crux of the misalignment. Following this, they will make the required adjustments in the angles to make it aligned with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Step 3: Before handing over the vehicle to you, we will give it a final test drive to make sure everything is fine.

What Are The Benefits Of Wheel Alignment Bonnybridge?

Opting for a wheel alignment services after regular intervals has several benefits, such as:

  • Decrease in left/right drift which increases your car's handling and grip
  • Reduction friction and wear will increase tyre life
  • Increase in fuel efficiency

Hence, look no more for “wheel alignment Falkirk” and book our service online! Head over to our garage at WH Tyres, 1 Wellpark Terrace, Bonnybridge, Falkirk, FK4 1DE. And for any more details, please call us on (01324) 811911.